Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pool Time

I'm thinking Jeff Foxworthy probably has a redneck joke for people who keep a swimming pool on the same back deck that is home to three bbq grills. If not, I'll sell him the rights to it b/c we're currently all over it. That's right. One gas grill. One charcoal grill. One grill that doesn't work but came with the house and is affixed to the deck and hasn't been removed in three years b/c I'm too lazy to crawl under the deck to remove it. Oh yeah, and one kiddie swimming pool. All on the back deck. Ahh...ain't South Carolina life grand?

This pic was taken moments "before" drinking the pool water from the shovel and moments "after" Mel and I told her not to. Sometimes I think independence is overrated. Why can't they just do what you tell them!?!

Bailey and Mel chilling by the pool.

Bailey and me chilling by the pool. Pasty-white looks good on babies, but not on daddies. I need some sun.

Also, the previously-mentioned "grill that doesn't work" is situated in the background. Maybe I can use it as a planter. :)

A little waterslide action! It's not all that action-packed really, b/c her feet hit the other side of the pool as soon as she clears the slide. This is actually last year's pool, which was plenty big enough for a one year old. We're about to upgrade to a bigger one with a built-in water slide!!! Ooh!!! I promise it will be action-packed once I lube the slide with baby oil. :)

Bailey looking cute as always.

"Oh my!!!" - Part 1

"Oh my!!!" - Part 2

1 comment:

Justin and Cassie Daigre said...

Hey guys I love these pictures of Bae Bae! She looks so pretty! The nursery looks great! I can't wait to see it in person. We will be thinking about you and praying for you on Friday! We wish we could be there, and we can't wait to meet Palmer! We love you guys!